Regular membership in the Villages Camaro Club is open only to Camaro owners who are residents of The Villages. The Camaro does not need to be located in The Villages. You don't need to be a full time resident; we gladly accept "snowbirds."
Social membership is open to previous members, who have sold their Camaro.
Associate membership is open to Camaro owners who are not residents of the Villages. They can attend our car shows and events but are not able to attend regular monthly meetings in Seabreeze Rec, Center.
The membership year is January 1st through December 31st.
You can become a member by attending our monthly meeting on the first Thursday of every month at 6:30 PM in the Outer Banks room at Bridgeport Recreation Center located at 1670 Lake Miona Drive, Fl 32162 in The Villages, opposite Arnold Palmer Country Club.
Visitors are welcome!
To become a member you can print and complete the membership application below. Make sure you also print and complete the Waiver Form. Please bring both forms to the next meeting or mail them along with your dues to,-
Villages Camaro Club
PO Box 285
Oxford, FL 34484.
(Membership dues are per person NOT household.)
Camaro Membership Application 1-18-24 (pdf)
DownloadCamaro Waiver Form (pdf)
DownloadCustom Apparel & Gifts
3451 Wedgewood Lane
The Villages, FL 32162
Southern Trace Plaza (next door to Giovanni's)
Approved Villages Camaro Club's apparel
*Please inform the salesperson before ordering that you are from Villages Camaro Club. They will look up all approved club apparel in their computer for your purchase.
Custom Apparel has many apparel selections and has a fitting area available to try on clothing. You may also purchase your clothing elsewhere and take it to Custom Apparel to have the club logo added.
Robin & Shawn Kerr - owners